Banking My Way, as you digit, introduce the features of China Trust Bank Home Bank APP
●中國信託銀行【Home Bank APP】24小時隨身帶著走,不論轉帳、繳費、理財、信用卡&貸款服務,一手掌握超方便!【My Way數位會員全新登場】所有人都可輕鬆加入My Way數位會員,享有專屬優惠與累積My Way點數,數位交易越多累積越多,點數還可兌換豐富好禮!【免記密碼,快速登入】●利用指紋、臉部和圖形認證,就可快速通關,揮別記不住帳號密碼的日子。【生活優惠,上百檔優惠隨選隨用】●刷卡優惠、電子優惠券共上百檔優惠隨選隨用。●優惠券帶著走,點開Home Bank APP就可以隨查隨用!【全站搜尋,快速查找所需的交易功能】●我的、優惠、理財三大首頁置頂全站搜尋列,紀錄最近搜尋和使用過的功能。●同步推薦大家都在熱搜的關鍵字。●我的首頁下方,對話式服務入口,只要開口和語音小幫手小B對話,即可迅速查詢存款/信用卡交易明細、查詢匯率,還能進行轉帳交易。【免記帳號,快速收付】●透過社群軟體,免記對方銀行存款帳號就能輕鬆發動付款,讓你「方便轉」。●使用語音或QR Code轉帳,搭配指紋/臉部驗證,非約定帳號也能免記帳號輕鬆轉。●提供存款帳號複製功能,亦能直接分享帳號資訊,提供帳號資訊給朋友更快速。●提供多元入帳提醒通知管道,社群、Email或手機推播任你選。●轉帳提供一鍵擷取交易結果畫面並可隱碼帳號和餘額,還能透過上傳圖卡的方式通知。●推播OTP訊息簡化,交易有效時間內開啟APP即可自動顯示。【智慧提醒,多元繳費】●存錢入帳、消費刷卡通知$$大小事,任選社群、Email、手機推播通知方式,讓你訊息不漏接!●繳費中心包含多元項目,含公用事業、電信費、學雜費、卡費/貸款、稅款、公路監理費、保險費、瓦斯費、停車費等項目,並支援信用卡繳綜所稅、牌照稅、房屋稅、地價稅,讓繳稅更便利。●主動偵測你的定期繳費需求,自動提醒智慧繳費,不怕漏繳各項帳單。●掃描台灣自來水帳單QR Code即可查詢應繳費用線上繳納,便利又快速。【一指理財,聰明投資】●快速直覺查匯率找基金,讓你24小時理財不累,輕鬆play!●換匯到價通知讓你掌握市場波動不錯過好匯率;查詢升級,匯率走勢和個人平均成交匯率同步看。●換匯門檻調降,等值三十美元就能換匯囉!●「智動GO」智能投資計畫幫你挑選、盯盤,更自動調整投資組合。●「嵐山豬豬」陪你邊消費邊做零錢投資,即刻起輕鬆理財。●基金、ETF/境外股票、債券及智動GO也能線上輕鬆投資,多元理財在APP通通搞定。●基金申購新增優惠顯示方式,優惠金額一目瞭然。【信用卡生活服務,一站式輕鬆管理】●攜手7-ELEVEN服務再升級: 卡友綁定OPEN POINT會員,OPEN POINT點數餘額即時查!●多元信用卡生活服務:-卡片管理功能:集中控管手上信用卡,每張卡的啟用狀態、電子票證功能、交易設定都能在APP管理-額度管理功能:提供調整固定額度、臨時額度申請及管理附卡額度功能,額度彈性更充足-權益與優惠:附加權益優惠次數快速查詢,並定期推播新優惠,還能透過關鍵字快速找優惠、優惠收藏也一次搞定-多通路繳卡費:提供線上繳費、設定信用卡自動扣繳功能,亦提供超商/臨櫃繳費條碼,繳費方式任您選【貸款服務,輕鬆查詢與申辦】●提供房信貸明細查詢服務,滿足你的多元帳務需求。【分行預約,一鍵取號】●線上預約分行服務,辦理預約開戶、臺外幣存/提款、臺外幣轉帳等項目,節省寶貴時間!●預約分行取號,讓你進分行免抽號碼牌超省時!【友善金融專區】●提供貼心的無障礙金融服務,包含查詢餘額、非約定轉帳、匯利率查詢等功能。※賀!中國信託銀行屢獲國內外專業機構肯定!●2022 The Asset臺灣年度最佳數位銀行●2022財訊財富管理大獎 最佳數位金融提醒您,為確保您的帳務安全,請於行動裝置安裝防護軟體;惟無法於已破解的行動裝置使用。●China Trust Bank [Home Bank APP] 24 hours with you, no matter transfer, bill payment, wealth management, credit card & loan services, it is super convenient to master!【My Way digital members are newly launched】Everyone can easily join My Way digital membership, enjoy exclusive discounts and accumulate My Way points, the more digital transactions, the more accumulated, and the points can be exchanged for rich gifts!【Password-free, quick login】●Using fingerprint, face and graphic authentication, you can quickly pass the customs and say goodbye to the days when you cant remember the account password.【Life discounts, hundreds of discounts can be used on demand】●Hundreds of discounts by credit card and electronic coupons can be used on demand.●Take the coupons with you, and click on the Home Bank APP to check and use them!【Search the whole site, quickly find the desired transaction function】●The search bar on the top of the three main pages, My, Offers, and Financial Management, records the recently searched and used functions.●Synchronously recommend keywords that everyone is searching for.●At the bottom of my homepage, there is a conversational service entrance. As long as you have a conversation with the voice assistant Xiao B, you can quickly check the deposit/credit card transaction details, check the exchange rate, and conduct transfer transactions.【Free account, fast payment】●Through the social software, you can easily initiate payment without remembering the bank account of the other party, allowing you to "conveniently transfer".●Using voice or QR Code to transfer funds, with fingerprint/face verification, non-contracted accounts can also be easily transferred without having to record accounts.●Provide the function of copying the deposit account, and also can directly share account information, providing account information to friends faster.●Provide a variety of account reminder notification channels, you can choose from community, Email or mobile phone push broadcast.●Transfer provides one-click capture of the transaction result screen and can hide the account number and balance. It can also be notified by uploading a picture card.●The push broadcast OTP message is simplified, and the APP can be automatically displayed when the transaction is valid.【Smart reminder, multiple payment】● Deposit money into account, swipe card for consumption to notify $$ of big and small matters, choose community, Email, mobile phone push notification method, so that you do not miss the message!●The payment center includes a variety of items, including utilities, telecommunication fees, tuition and miscellaneous fees, card fees/loans, taxes, road supervision fees, insurance fees, gas fees, parking fees and other items, and supports credit card payment of comprehensive tax and license tax , house tax, land value tax, making tax payment more convenient.●Actively detect your regular payment needs, automatically remind smart payment, not afraid of missing bills.●Scan the QR Code of Taiwans water bill to check the fees payable and pay online, which is convenient and fast.【One-finger financial management, smart investment】●Quickly and intuitively check the exchange rate to find funds, so that you can manage your finances 24 hours a day and play easily!●The notification of exchange rate arrival allows you to grasp the market fluctuations and not miss the exchange rate; the query upgrade, the exchange rate trend and the personal average transaction exchange rate are synchronized.●The foreign exchange threshold has been lowered, and the equivalent of 30 US dollars can be exchanged!●"Smart GO" smart investment plan helps you choose, track and adjust investment portfolios automatically.●"Lanshan Pig Pig" accompanies you to make change investment while consuming, so you can easily manage your finances immediately.●Funds, ETFs/overseas stocks, bonds and Smart GO can also be easily invested online, and diversified financial management can be done in the APP.●Newly added discount display method for fund subscription, the discount amount is clear at a glance.【Credit card life service, one-stop easy management】● Join hands with 7-ELEVEN to upgrade the service: Card friends are bound to OPEN POINT members, and the balance of OPEN POINT points can be checked instantly!●Multiple credit card life services:- Card management function: centrally control the credit card in hand, the activation status of each card, the electronic ticket function, and the transaction settings can be managed in the APP- Quota management function: provide the functions of adjusting fixed quota, applying for temporary quota and managing additional card quota, and the quota flexibility is more sufficient-Benefits and discounts: Quickly check the number of additional benefits and discounts, and regularly push new discounts. You can also quickly find discounts through keywords, and you can also get discounts at one time.- Multi-channel card payment: provide online payment, set up automatic credit card deduction function, and also provide barcodes for super-store / over-the-counter payment, the payment method is optional【Loan service, easy inquiry and application】●Provide housing credit details inquiry service to meet your diverse accounting needs.【Branch reservation, one-click number pick up】●Online reservation for branch services, handling reservations for account opening, Taiwan foreign currency deposit/withdrawal, Taiwan foreign currency transfer and other items, saving precious time!● Make an appointment to get a branch number, so you can save time without drawing a number card at the branch!【Friendly Financial Zone】●Provide considerate and barrier-free financial services, including functions such as balance inquiry, non-contracted transfer, and exchange rate inquiry.※Congratulations! China Trust Bank has been repeatedly recognized by domestic and foreign professional institutions!●2022 The Asset Taiwans Best Digital Bank of the Year●2022 Financial News Wealth Management Awards Best Digital FinanceTo remind you, to ensure the security of your account, please install protection software on your mobile device; however, it cannot be used on a cracked mobile device.本次給你理財功能再進化,從數位帳戶、智能投資、保險,全方位理財功能一站完成,立即下載/更新享有超全面服務!1. 全新開放Home Bank APP申請數位帳戶,證件拍攝上傳、資料填寫一站搞定,邀你體驗更流暢的開戶流程。2. 新一代智能投資「智主投」重磅登場,多元熱門主題基金投資組合,機器人提供您更理性的投資建議,適合略有投資經驗的你。 3. 「遠距視訊投保」全新上線,疫情期間免出門、零接觸,透過視訊完成身分驗證及投保流程,保障隨時在。4. 新增ETF/海外股票多元搜尋及觀察清單,價格漲幅、年度走勢圖等關鍵資訊一次掌握。5. 新增以簽帳金融卡繳納學雜費,繳費更多元便利。多項國內外數位獎項共同肯定的行動銀行:‧ 2022 The Asset臺灣年度最佳數位銀行‧ 2022財訊財富管理大獎 最佳數位金融
2022/4/14 UI居然不能自訂了就算了 首頁重要功能都不見了 字還很小 都廣告 是詐騙APP嗎
Please put stability as priority instead of the constant cosmetic changes. App cannot connect to server again today!
Version 2022/03/02: Too much steps for just simple login and check balance. I prefer previous version which was simple and straight to the point.
Won't even launch, just hangs at "loading secure element," even after an hour
改版後QR code提款怎麼不見啦?